Friday, June 12, 2009

The Sleeper Must Awaken

Dear SEGA,

Look into my eyes.

Loooooooooooook into my eyes.

You are getting sleeeeeeeepy.


You are getting very sleepy.

Your eyelids are becoming heavy, it's a burden to hold them open any longer.

You are in such a relaxed state that more Shenmue sounds like just the thing right now.

Say yes to Shenmue.

Say yes to greatness.

When I count to ten you will finish Shenmue.


Ya know what? This is redundant. You can't hypnotize someone when they're already asleep. You've been sleeping for the past 8 years, and it's only getting deeper. What are you dreaming about? Shenmue? Norp. You're dreaming about crappy, 3D-Sonic games, endless ports, and shitty updates to past glories. The Dreamcast is dead, and you dream on. Slumber time is over.

Wake up, SEGA! Wake up and finish your legacy.

For yourselves and your fans.

Sincerely Yours,
Shenmue Fan.

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